Keeping Your Dog at a Healthy Weight

Despite pet obesity being a potentially life-limiting condition, it seems pet owners are unaware of the gravity of the issue, with most (63%) feeling more important problems face their pets. What’s more, only one in three (37%) know how to check their pet’s weight, a mere 9% carry out the recommended monthly weight check and almost a third (30%) never check their pet’s weight (1)! 

Read more “Keeping Your Dog at a Healthy Weight”

Developmental skeletal disease in dogs

“The beginning is the most important part of the work” – Plato.

The above quote is most relevantwhen discussing the effect diet can have on healthy bone development as it is from as early as 3 weeks of age when certain nutritional inadequacies and excesses can start to negatively impact the developing skeleton.  Here we outline what and why things can go wrong, and more importantly discuss how to feed fast growing large and giant breed puppies for optimal joint health.

Read more “Developmental skeletal disease in dogs”

Advice for new puppy owners

Advice for new puppy owners: How to protect your puppy’s teeth for total body health. 
Offering prophylactic dental care advice to new puppy owners probably sounds a little premature, especially when you are handing over a tiny puppy with a mouth scattered full of sharp pearly white teeth, but this is exactly the right time to do it. New owners are most open to learning and therefore education at exactly this moment can actually help to prevent dental problems from occurring.  Encouraging new owners to begin a daily dental care regime should be part of a hand over routine when they come to collect their puppy. 

Read more “Advice for new puppy owners”

Colostrum and neonatal care

The neonatal period in puppies is considered to be the first 2 weeks after birth.  Born in a relatively immature state and completely dependent on their mother’s care the pre weaning mortality rate of many puppies is relatively high with approximately 20% of live-born puppies dying before they are 21 days old and a staggering 70% of deaths occurring within the first week post-partum¹ ²

Here we take a closer look at colostrum and investigate the benefits of this antibody rich nutrient.

Read more “Colostrum and neonatal care”


Some incredible work looking at the contributing factors to achieving healthy ageing and exceptional longevity¹ in dogs has been a focus for Eukanuba over the last 10+ years.  In this newsletter experts including Dr Penny Watson from Queens Veterinary School at Cambridge University, Professor Stuart Carmichael from Fitzpatrick Oncology Centre, Professor Steve Dean former Chairman of the UK Kennel Club, Dr Vicki Adams and David Morgan highlight the similarities between dogs and humans in promoting healthy ageing.


Signs to look for in ageing dogs – healthy…

Hopefully it is not too much of a presumptive statement to make by saying that people with older dogs want them to live as long a life as they possibly can but in a healthy manner.  If you have an older dog at home you be interested in two surveys of UK pedigree dogs which have been carried out in the last decade looking at Pedigree Breed Health.  The aim of collecting this data was to look at the causes of death & prevalence of conditions affecting the current population of Pedigree dogs, and the results are quite surprising:

Read more “Signs to look for in ageing dogs – healthy for longer”

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